What is a Quiet Room?

What is a Quiet Room?Many institutions and organizations utilize what is often referred to as a "Quiet Room." While also known as padded safe rooms and de-escalation zones, these rooms are designed to give people a place to go when they need somewhere to go that will help them relax. They can often be found in schools, medical facilities and jails, but more and more organizations are installing them so clients and even employees can benefit from it.

A place to release your emotions

While many people assume these rooms are for people facing fits of rage, they can benefit many others. People in need of an environment free of distractions or judgement, or those who do need a spot to cry and let out their anger, can all benefit from a padded quiet room. The padding, which reduces the chances of self harm, gives those in the room a safe space to fully experience the emotion they are feeling.

Who needs a quiet room?

There are many organizations that could benefit from a quiet padded room. Students, employees, clients and more are all possible users of quiet rooms. Here's a few common organizations that utilize quiet rooms.

  • Medical Office Quiet Room
  • Hospital Quiet Room
  • University Quiet Room
  • Public School Quiet Room
  • Daycare Quiet Room
  • Jail Quiet Room
  • Counselor's Office Quiet Room
  • Remand Facility Quiet Room
  • Gym Quiet Room
  • Government Office Quiet Room

Offering a quiet padded room to someone experience a traumatic moment can help them find their calm, instead of taking their feelings out on another person or themselves. If you'd like to learn more about installing a quiet padded room in New York or throughout the Northeast and beyond, reach out to Action Wall Pads. Our team manufactures and installs wall padding for all sorts of businesses and organizations! We will work with you to design a custom space that fits your needs. If you need quiet room padding in New York or across the country don't hesitate to give our team a call at (914) 648-4838 today.

Action Wall Pads Blog

Written and Published By MORBiZ