About Action Wall Pads in Baldwinsville, NY
Action Wall Pads started in 1993 as a side job and something my father and I could do together while I was in high school. The business grew and quickly became more than just a side job for us. In 2001 we started manufacturing our own pads to install, then a couple years later we built a small facility to accommodate the demand. This gave us the ability to not only be more efficient in getting the job done, but also offer better quality and customization. We currently have expanded to three locations for manufacturing and are looking to bring them together in one larger facility as soon as we find the right place.
Now with over 25 years in business, we believe what sets us apart is our ability to not just excel in producing a quality product, OR give a great installation experience, but to do BOTH. Because there is no middle man, we can offer the same quality product for an unbeatable price! So whatever your need, big or small, we look forward to serving you!
~ David Grey, Owner/Operator